Saturday, August 8, 2009

Meaning of Vintage The Debate Goes On

Does anyone really know what the word vintage truly means ? I agree it is overused and often used inappropriately. Many words have tried to replace vintage when it comes to online venues, words like retro , mid-century, mod amongst others, but they aren't as effective as the V word.

There are many , many, and many discussions arguments and down right arrogance amongst people in the Etsy forums on this issue.

According to the Free Online Dictionary by Farlex vinatge is:

1. The yield of wine or grapes from a vineyard or district during one season.
2. Wine, usually of high quality, identified as to year and vineyard or district of origin.
3. The year or place in which a wine is bottled.
a. The harvesting of a grape crop.
b. The initial stages of winemaking.
5. Informal
a. A group or collection of people or things sharing certain characteristics.
b. A year or period of origin: a car of 1942 vintage.
c. Length of existence; age.
1. Of or relating to a vintage.
2. Characterized by excellence, maturity, and enduring appeal; classic.
3. Old or outmoded.

Will we ever agree on the meaning of vintage? probably not, I believe vintage means something different to each age group. There are many who feel items from the 80's are not vintage, yet in the 80's we who were raised in the 80's considered the 60's vintage (can't remember the term used then for vintage) . So now it's 2009 and the 80's items will come into play as collectible vintage , being balked by those of us in our 40's....Is it the fact that if we say the the 1980's is vintage is admitting we are getting older....or that we really don't want stone-washed blue jeans and big hair to come back in style.

The heated debate will go on in the forums, people will argue that their vintage is better than others.

From the meanings above my heart agrees with "Characterized by excellence, maturity, and enduring appeal; classic" and in that case vintage can have many meanings, what appeals to one person will not appeal to everyone, so if you see a vintage seller doing really well selling 1980's glam, and you're not moving your antique 1940's dinnerware, it doesn't grant the right to complain.

In four short months 1990 will be allowed on Etsy, it will be allowed to be called vintage and the debates, discussions and flagging will continue in the forums.