Saturday, August 1, 2009

Signed up for a blog page now what?

Well I finally caved in and decided I needed a blog too. Now the problem is my life is quite , well the word boring doesn't apply, so let's call it serene. I live in a small town in Michigan. We live in the country and have a mini farm. Right now I have 15 chickens, a loud mouthed lovable rooster, a viscious guinea hen, two dogs Sadie and Keyote , and a big clumsy pygora goat named Sam, who is spoiled beyond belief.

My vintage collecting was instilled at birth, both my parents were avid collectors when they were younger and have a houseful of beautiful antiques and unique treasures.

My favorite item in vintage has to be jewelry, I seldom wear it, seldom keep it but each piece no matter how intricately beautiful , sparkly or simple has a history and quality that I find so appealing. Of course the mystery is also there, was this given as a gift? Chosen special for one outfit? Handed down from a grandmother? If a broach could talk it would most likely have some fascinating stories to tell.

My second love is vinyl 45's and Lp's, again I don't often keep these. They take up alot of space, and for me are inconvienent to listen too, it's too easy to sift through the 20 music stations on the television and select one, or stick in my favorite cd. I love to find a box of 45's at a sale or auction go home and research them . Occasionaly you find a real valuable one and of course the cash that it brings is always welcome.

Right now my main shop is on Etsy, I have a quadzillion books to load on my second Etsy store that I'm in the process of building, and I have a new one on Artfire.

To visit my shops here are the links: